Scientific Competition

What should you aim for?
- The scientific poster needs to be attractive for your audience. You should aim to communicate the key points of your work. Keep in mind that the audience is made of students, so they may have no knowledge in your specific field of interest. Therefore, provide clear explanations for the scientific notions and avoid sophisticated words.
- The title should be short and transmit the main message of your poster. It should be interesting in some aspect, as to attract as many people as possible.
- Don’t forget about the names of the collaborators and affiliations.
- Try to use words wisely: the main conclusions from your work in little words. You are there to provide additional information by answering the questions, so avoid the details in the poster and focus on the essential.
- Integrate graphics in your poster and explain the data within them. Everything should be clean when it comes to graphics, starting from layout to the way you present them.
- Your poster is a way to start a conversation, so the title and the organized layout attract people visually and the attractive presentation of the subject makes people stay and listen.
- Create your Poster in an A0 portrait or A1 landscape international paper format. You are free to choose your own design, but, as a general rule, the writing must be visible from 1 meter away. It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to print the physical poster, to bring it to the conference venue and to mount it in the designated place.You will be assigned to one of the two 50-minute Poster Sessions. Both of them will be during Lunch Break. For the competition, you have to be there for the whole 50 minutes and you have to present your work to the public. You should do your best to impress Passive Participants and to give them reasons to vote for your poster. Try preparing an outline of your poster’s main points and emphasizing why your work is important. For each Poster Session there will be three Prizes awarded to the posters with most votes (only votes cast by our participants will be taken into consideration).

Some technical details
Use your time wisely: try to concentrate your information, so that the audience doesn’t get bored. The longer the speech, the less attention you get.

Time management
Use your time wisely: try to concentrate your information, so that the audience doesn’t get bored. The longer the speech, the less attention you get.

Evaluation criteria
Each participant of the conference can vote their favourite poster.

For the Poster Competition there will be 5 popularity prizes. The ones with the most votes are always the ones where the majority of the public understood the subject and the conclusions. Therefore, this type of prize rewards the ability of science communication and of knowing how to bring closer to your colleagues the subject of your research work.