General terms
The official language of STEPS is ENGLISH. All the events will be held in English only, if not specifically stated otherwise. All the communication with the participants will be made in English ONLY, if not specifically stated otherwise.
Any medical or biomedical student, resident or attending physician, researcher of biomedical and biotechnology fields, representative of the medical industry or member of the press that has registered on the official website and paid the registration fee.
Fees are refundable on demand as long as the participant complies to the below general and specific refund rules and an official request is made at [email protected] stating the name and bank account in which the money will be transferred. To find if you are eligible for a refund, please consult our Refund Policy.
Certificate of participation
Certificates of Participation will be available to download for all participants from the personal account on the official STEPS 2025 website in no more than two weeks’ time after the event’s end (provided that they comply with the below participation rules).
The Certificates of Participation will be awarded to all the participants if they participated to all the medical training sessions or/and non-medical sessions that they booked and if they completed the official event feedback form.
Our workshops are included in one of the following medical categories: Fundamental Sciences, Clinical Medicine and Surgery.
The workshops are not restricted to specific years of study, but each one is addressed to specific years of study, as stated on the Workshops page. We STRONGLY suggest the participants keep our recommendations in mind.
After registering and paying the corresponding participation fee, log into your account and book a workshop before the workshop booking deadline stated on the official website. Workshops are booked on a first come, first served basis.
Yes, but once booked, you can change your workshop option only 2 times.
You can attend up to 3 workshops. This means you can buy a maximum of 2 additional workshops, as one workshop is included in the registration ticket.