We are SOMS ...
Scientific Organisation of Medical Students (SOMS) is a students’ association that promotes medical research. SOMS is based at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania. We are an autonomous, international, non-political, non-profit organisation run by and for medical students.
... and this is MEDICS
MEDICS is the annual international congress of SOMS. Since keeping up with the ever-evolving world of medicine is essential for future doctors and researchers, in 2025 we have the honor of inviting you on this quest for knowledge. So, what are you waiting for? Let innovation rain down! Get inspired by attending our flagship events – Keynote Lectures held by renowned medical icons. Experience science in its finest form by attending our workshops. Get ready to aim for the stars while showing the world your research at our Oral & Poster Presentations.
We are SOMS ...
Scientific Organisation of Medical Students (SOMS) is a students’ association that promotes medical research. SOMS is based at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania. We are an autonomous, international, non-political, non-profit organisation run by and for medical students.
... and this is MEDICS
MEDICS is the annual international congress of SOMS. Since keeping up with the ever-evolving world of medicine is essential for future doctors and researchers, in 2025 we have the honor of inviting you on this quest for knowledge. So, what are you waiting for? Let innovation rain down! Get inspired by attending our flagship events – Keynote Lectures held by renowned medical icons. Experience science in its finest form by attending our workshops. Get ready to aim for the stars while showing the world your research at our Oral & Poster Presentations.